A good friend's new job.
The gist of this publication is that a dear pal is fed up with his current occupation and has run out of ideas. He has been worn down enough by the daily grind to have lost that spark, that ability for wishful thinking, because every time he sets his mind about the subject he is inevitably met with too many doubts. “I am not good enough for that”, or the classical “too old to go back to uni” are what is keeping him down so I will let the cards speak.
word of warning though. The place where I come from has the highest
rate of early highschool dropouts in all of the country. It has been
a local issue since 1980, maybe even before, but the silver lining is
that most kids abandon their studies to help their families out,
either by working some teenage job under the covers or in whatever
family business if they are fortunate enough. These individuals
seldomly return to academia, but those that do have the newfound
confidence that they come back with a far more mature mind and no
What I am trying to say is that it is easier to
learn when you are not being screamed at all the time.
So if any of you readers is in a similar situation I encourage you to press onwards and do take any studies you want to, no better time for learning than the present. We enjoy the best moment in all of human history for such endeavors, until Elon Musk develops that brain chip you can literally become almost any profession by staring long enough at a screen, from the commodity of your home!
Now, onto the readings.
consultations cannot be done as easily as usual, as the cards give a
general outline of what to expect and what to do. So far, whenever I
have consulted for this friend, I have been met with the same
suggestion: “work in the care of others”. That statement
encompasses many fields where providing for someone is the service
rendered, from nurses to kindergarten caretakers, and the fact that
cards from the Suit of Cups is what shows up with the suggestion? Can
also suggest that my friend deals in communication. Should he become
a diplomat? A celebrity of Youtube perhaps or a comedian? Or should
he open a service that caters for the elderly and the bedridden?
Hard to say without going each time deeper, but it all begins
with a barrage of three card draws until I achieve some sort of clarity.
1.- Why does he need a change of profession?
This means that in his search for goals in the
long run (Two of Wands) he was met with a period of disillusion where
he fealt that many of his aspirations (Seven of Cups) were cut down
short by the new reality (Queen of Swords). His need for
self-preservation has made him deny all other possibilities.
Understandably given how the pandemic has throw around people's
lives. The cards speak how he has been forced into a job just to keep
the lights on.
2.- What is his best course of action?
In a time where society is being
brought to its knees (The Tower), being forced into immobility due to
circumstances (The Hermit reversed) will lead him to take all the
quick measures available personally (The World reversed). This last
card usually means a sense of discovery and travel where things begin
anew, much like The Fool card (the initial card in the Major Arcana),
but in its inverted sense usually means that things will remain the
same (another cycle of failure) and that the solution lies in taken
care of the closest and smallest personal problems. Not very
encouraging in telling someone that there is very little they can do,
but the consolation lies in that this time they cannot blame
themselves. There is no point in applying for a job when thee world
is (in some cases literally) burning down, now is it?
message is clear: There is not much else to do but get better,
perhaps take the time in lockdown to better understand yourself and
relax as much as possible. Take your time to fix your sleep schedule
and do sit ups, the chance for change is not right now.
Either way, what would be his best career choice?
The Temperance, The Lovers and The Wheel inverted. Hard to make some sense of it, but I believe it speaks of attitudes rather than a solid, nameable profession. Instead of saying something concrete like “plumber” or “lawyer” it speaks of behavior. It would seem as it says that my friend has been overly-patient and forgiving of himself (The Temperance), too trusting of others (The Lovers) and ultimately done things that have made those others lose respect of him (The Wheel inverted). This last card represents all those demonstrations of power that backfire or explosions of anger that, though justified in your eyes, scares those around you.
This goes without saying especially in the given times, but understanding that your cowokers need to be treated as background noise is imperative for making it to the end of the month. Too many people understand the workforce as some sort of adult daycare where they make up for their personal problems by tyrannizing colleagues or customers, so if you give them half a chance to speak about you on your back? Pack mentality will ensue.
Still though I am not satisfied with this answer, I asked for options and not lectures so the draw is repeated. Before that though, I will reinterpret: all these cards suggest attitudes that help defuse dangerous tempers. The Temperance and The Lovers are nothing but self-control, patience and understanding, whereas the inverted last card? I do realize now that I confused it for The Chariot card.
The Chariot is the card that speaks of decisive action or strength that backfires, but the card that came up is The Wheel (inverted), that speaks of literally upcoming good luck or its downturn. Still though, I will not correct what I wrote because the lesson is invaluable, but it does present a whole new meaning to the draw: My friend should help others come to terms with their losses. I believe this means my pal should become a psychologist, a social worker or a life coach.
Still though, this only speaks of a
long-term goal and we are speaking of at least four to five years
worth of his life dedicated to pursuing academia, not a quick-fix as
the second question suggested. This means that my friend has a long
road ahead of himself and that he should logically seek enough
stability to currently allow this gradual change.
5.- Anything else I should
I shuffled the deck but not thoroughly enough it would
seem because the last three cards showed up again albeit in different
order. The first one drawn is The Death, suggesting that my friend
should just accept the current state of affairs. Things are how they
are and nothing else can be done but waiting it out. The second card
is that of The Emperor, which speaks for all things of personal
strength but also the need to grind yourself down into something
better, and it ties with what the third card suggests. It is again
that of The Empress but inverted, the contrary to the abundance that
usually suggests.
Almost says that there is nothing good ahead
that he should prepare in flesh and mind for a period of hardship. Saving every penny and researching alternative (but legal!) sources of income is the must in this current weather because it may as well get worse.
IN CONCLUSION: My pal's future lies in the service of others to assuage their fears and help them become a better person, but it is something that I feel should not fit his star sign (Aries). Aries are people who goad others into action and not, as simplistic as this description might be, patient enough to listen to others. He could perhaps become a political commentator or indulge in irreverent and acidic humor much like famous comedian Sam Hyde (an Aries too by the way), either way this reading is very shallow as to clarify his future. Does not mean I stop here, I will go deeper when time allows, this much I can promise.
Still, if you have read my past diatribes you will know it is not the moment to go live and under public scrutiny when everybody and their dog is out there for blood. Clowns abound and they do not like competition, and they are putting every ounce of their being in finding a scapegoat right now. You all know how stupid games usually end in stupid prizes so for now it is best to lie low until the circus burns down.
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