A meme's overanalysis in occultist fashion.

An ingenous friend, to be refered as Christopher of the Curnovii from now on,  posted an image on our Facebook group and I felt compelled to rant about it. Is it not why you stick around after all? 😎

On a side note, predictions for this upcoming month are around the corner, so stay tuned:

1.- First of all let's look at the Chad's attire. He is somewhere between that of a monk but also opulent, of exotic quality and traditionally expensive dyes, among them purple. The shoes are those of a prince, as far as I remember that Oriental or Moroccan style is adequate for princes. This means that your spiritual pursuits must not be hindered by the notion of austerity, because though you seek beyond the flesh it does not mean you can neglect it. It is after all your only anchor to this world. This Chad comes off as someone who is successful but not weighed down by success, and his refinement suggests that he is a man of culture as well, engaged in the world around him but above it too. This is reinforced by the prayer beads around his arm which speak of his discipline, on top of his raw physique.

An example of this duality between being ascetic and yet materialistic is the Tibetan siddha Jetsun Milarepa and a student of him whose name I cannot remember. The first was a wealthy scion deprived of his inheritance who took revenge by slaughtering many with a conjured storm, as he was a sorcerer too, but after a period of penance he became one of Tibet's most famous yogis and poets. The second, as far as I can remember, was a yogi but a merchant too with wife and child.
What I mean to say is that spiritual attainment is devoid from morality, we confuse it as a transcendental matter that demands austerity and rectitude as if they were essential elements, rather than at the very least a helpful mentality if not your duty to others.

In other words we should take these matters in the same sense as body building, returning dumbells to the rack is not necessary for your muscular development but it does not hurt to be polite. As a matter of fact, not being polite enough can lead to serious hurt too!

Additionally, Milarepa's teacher was a wealthy translator whose vast funds allowed him to travel between countries at the time and solicit foreign teachers. Were it not for the money he would not have been able to contribute so much to Tibetan Buddhism and much less erect a monastery in Stongdey. This makes me see enforced austerity as nothing but cowardice.

2.- Said attire is contrasted by that piece of wood. I do not know if it is drived through his flesh like a spear or if it is a piece of bark held under the cloths so the interpretation is double fold: If it is through it is reminiscent of Odinic self-sacrifice, Wotan hung for seven days from a tree with a spear through him to reach the Runes by means of the Death State (a symbolic trance); if it is a piece of bark hidden under the clothes, then it suggests the paths of the shaman, contact with nature and better living through chemistry. Personally I am not in favor of using hallucinogenic products for reaching altered states of consciousness, not only because there is a shady culture surrounding the scene, where every other kooky character elevates itself to the ranks of a high priest just for brewing disgusting teas, but because the exact formulation and dosages are things I think are unexplored as of yet.

The other reason is that to see is to be seen. Due to the Hermetic principle of vibration it is thought that in order to reach and experience certain levels of reality you must be "vibrationally aligned", in a way on the same level, and with a chemically-induced trance you will not be able to zone in and out at will. What is worse, most of such trips will reflect on your subconsciousness, which means that depending on your state of mind and outlook on life you may attract hostile bodiless creatures on top of the chance of early onset schizophrenia.

3.- The machine-like component in his left arm is a nudge towards transhumanism and overcoming the weaknesses inherent to our flesh by means superior to just a healthy lifestyle. Spirituality is after all on the same ideological path as transhumanism.

4.- How his left legt seems to merge in the background and become a two-dimensional object reminds me of Carlos Castaneda's teachings, the shamanic Inner Worlds and the Tunnels of Set of Michael Aquino. All in all they are realities that belong on a "sub-level", parts of yourself or others experienced on a superior scale despite being inferior in size or "relevance". Picture the idea of Heaven itself. Whoever you ask will tell you that it is somewhere between a state of bliss and/or a realm, a place where you go as an individual and experience others much like a trip to the mall. Now think of that famous movie "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids", but on a spiritual level, where you are capable of reducing the scope of your awareness in such way that your own hand is experienced as a veritable continent, another dimension with its own denizens and rules, but purely internal.

Transitions to other places beyond the flesh (aka "astral travel") is as important as it is this sort of introspective safari, and the creatures you are bound to find tie in with the following point.

5.- Why is there a monstrous eye in his groin area? Again two-fold meaning. One is reminiscent of the importance of sexual abstinence and control of urges, not so much in a puritanical sense but closer to how the subtle energies ruling sexuality also rule vitality, and can be used to jumpstart transcendental awareness (the flow of Kundalini). Additionally, the fact that there is a bulging eye down there instead of in his forehead speaks of the Hermetic principle of correspondene ("as above so below") that implies that there is a mirrored harmony in all systems: Your sexuality clouds your perspective by occupying you with puerile pursuits that can easily halt your progress be it by STDs or unplanned pregnancy, but on the other hand if contained can be used to bolster your perception (Tantric Yoga) and have a fulfilling life with a loving partner.

The other meaning to it that I mention on the previous point is the Qlippoth, Qlipha in singular. These are incomplete beings according to the Judaic and Kabbalistic teachings, creatures bereft of the light of God and/or its reflection from that mythical era where The Creator said "Let there be Light" and the primordial darkness abided the light not. Poetics aside these beings many others and I have not encountered as autonomous creatures, not separate and individual as regular people, but rather ghostly reflections of personal vice which tend to appear in incomplete, grotesque or asymmetric forms. Not like the classical demons of Medieval grimoires that are amalgamations of man and beast, just worse.

The purpose of these beings is to serve as symptoms of your personal misgivings that you can actually address as someone separate from yourself, to better learn of the things that impede your progress, and they are not as malicious as they are cynical because they are a part of you. It makes no sense to destroy or antagonize what keeps them alive, which is yourself, but for a time they are a rebellious part of your being that demands attention. Think of the qlippoth as glorified skin lesions that arise to warn you before your errors turn fatal. I interpret this eye on the groin as Chad's harmonious relationship with his literal inner demons and the awakened ways of his sexual conduct.

6.- The knife on his forehead and the scar over his eye are symbols of forcibly awaken the pineal gland and of Odinic sacrifice, where the eponymous god cast an eye in the Well of Mimir to obtain foresight, or literal vision into the realm of the dead. Be cautious though, because it is firmly set in the Western mind that only the pineal gland and its awakening is what grants transcendental vision when it is just one of many venues of perception, and though I have not studied its methodology thoroughly I personally believe to be far fetched. There are methods such as remote viewing (studied thoroughly by the USA as you will find in released files), scrying and transcendental states of consciousness that are more effective in obtaining a second sight, to the point that I do not believe any longer in the efficiency of droning vibrational tones to force the pineal gland into an overdrive.

It is akin to voluntarily breaking your arms over and over until they grow dense enough to stop a baseball bat, when you could just buy a shield or find a better neighborhood to live in.

7.- The objects conjured in his hands, one is a construct that is both a square and a circle (symbols of simmetric harmony) while the other is a cold flame that envelops an aggressive gesture. Seeing how the figure of Chad is reversed from our point of view, each would correspond to the right and left hand respectively and tie with the Baphomet idol's instructional alchemy (the principles of "Solve et Coagula" or "dissolve and coagulate"). This principle also ties in with what hand they are held, the right for creation and the left for destruction.

The underlying truth to this principle is that those are the only possible actions for progress both in the world around you and within you, you solidify what is good to your nature by separating it from what is not hence coagulation and dissolution. The Baphomet was never a symbol of Satanism but rather a diagram to remember hidden truths that thankfully today are nothing more but bullet points to aspiring occultists, sadly enough many will see The Devil in this figure because as with the Qlippoth and Satan himself? Are like a Rorschach inkblot test where people will often see ugly truths of their personality reflected back.

Related too with the hands you will often hear the term "Right Hand Path" and "Left Hand Path" respectively as titles for morally good knowledge and methods or quite the contrary. This is a gross missattribution. The terms originate in origins in Hindu Tantra but not to designate paths that stick to ethic or outright abandon it, rather the way in which the initiate attains spiritual balance. Right refers to interacting with the world that surrounds you and seeking a sense of unity with God or the Cosmos, however you may see that transcendetal Totality, whereas the Left refers to introspective meditations where you find the nature of your true character and correct it. Despite the fact that there is a strong history of paths both right and left that stick or not to ethical codes, the meaning goes deeper than just calling it "white" or "black" magic, especially in the sense that they are not so much divisive paths as complementing methodologies in the same way that you have two hands, and you really cannot live correctly by exclusively using one over the other. Especially when driving stick shift cars.
