1) Is the Coronavirus really cause for our concern?

I wished to know if this would be yet another of those yearly fly scares that, despite being a humanitary tragedy in its own right, would stick to its usual Eastern Asian cradle instead of gain the strength for which is infamous now. Keep in mind this was asked on the twenty-eight of February, shared little after with friends but never meant to be published. The severity with which we are met this year moves me to do the contrary.

Short answer: Yes, it is a thing to be afraid of. The cards say it was no accident, not a very unfortunate case but rather a “premature failure”. Expect harsher goverment regulations, secure your asssets against fiscal inspection, there will be no police state nor gulags but higher taxes and property seizures ahead. No collapse of civilization, only drawn-out decline. No cure either in sight.

Long answer: In the initial draw of three cards it is suggested that whoever did this was motivated by grief, desire for revenge. This is not so much borne from self-righteousness as it is by actually thinking that what is done is an act of mercy. Something happened that is tied, according to the element of the cards drawn, to emotions, failures in communication or the art in procuring favorable relations be they licit or otherwise (think of the thin contrast between diplomacy and espionage). On the other hand these very same cards can be interpreted as pointing out to a sanitary or scientific origin of the virus, as all arts of care and healing are related to the element of water.

Seeing how I cannot point whether these actions belong to an individual (or group) or actually involves higher entities (such as a goverment), all I can say for certain with a mere three cards is that the world has suffered due to the
souring relation between the involved parties. Was it a disgruntled lab technician who released the virus? Or was a fatal misunderstanding in security protocol? All what it can be gleaned from this is a deep irresponsibility that has costed us dearly.

What matters right now is far more important than pointing fingers.

It will sometimes happen that the cards steer the consultant away from the question. Though it may seem a convenient refuge for some consultants to remain mysterious by giving vague answers, it does happen genuinely, and it is observed in the subsequent draw of six cards. Here the origin of this debacle is again tied to the Suit of Cups / Element of Water, ironic considering the fact that despite having shuffled the cards they seem set on repeating a message. What is new in this consultation is that the Suit of Wands / Element of Fire appears regarding both the outcome of the pandemic and its solution, meaning that we are to expect the weight of the authorities on one hand and to rely on no one but our own wits on the other.

The only silver lining to this is gleaned with the draw of twelve cards, where the story repeats again with the origins of this situation and how, quite logically, goverments scramble to retain their power by a firmer hand. Thankfully enough the cards speak of this power struggle not motivated so much by furthering agendas but a maintaining the hold on e

conomy. In other words, though you will surely see this or that political party attempt to pass laws in their own favor, the continuity of (perceived) prosperity will be their main unavoidable issue. In other words, the goverment is not going to take your guns away for now, it is too busy budgeting to keep the lights on, but will have to take action in the future to quell uprisings. There will not be a cure in time to save enough lives.

As you see these insights are nothing out of the ordinary, you wo
uld have run into them in some far less esoteric source such as a business insider or by means of an educated guess.
