This is what you can expect to happen this upcoming month of July. Not a pretty picture.


→ Short answer: I will not sugarcoat it. It is a bad month that ends well if you are not in the way. Institutional failures and loss of trust in the powers that be is what you will see this July. We will live off savings or of goverment aid, but keep some money (if possible) to help ill parents. Keep your mouth shut or lose your job. Do not trust get-rich gimmicks. No chance for love and much divorces ahead so secure assets. Big goverment crack-down at the end that will swing things back to normal so you best not be doing anything stupid. Your best couse of action is to keep a low profile, but more on that later. August may be harsher.

→ Long answer: It is the old yadda-yadda I wrote for the whole of 2020, really. Same pessimistic drivel about how our governments have been overwhelmed by the pandemic and the ensuing tensions have brought us closer to anarchy. The only real differences here is that you must keep an eye on your elderly family members because either the two of happen, inheritance or a need for assistance and coming together. People will lose their jobs thanks to workforce resizing but mostly due to small talk with gross consequences (purge your social media – this is a threat).

What matters most is that you need to stay sane and at home because whatever we are going through now will end in decisive manner that will set us free but also make many people resentful. July's situation will be that order will return but you will not see the end of it as of yet, with future resurgence of mobs and violent movements taking a moment to reorganize and, quite possibly, rearm.

Now onto what the cards say, bit by bit.

The reigning theme is that of The Tower card which is a symbol of ruin and the crumbling of societal foundations. That which represents stability to you is failing, and given the tendency of late media you can guess this is in the political aspect. It is a critical month where (seemingly) many historical precedents will be set but not based on an actual positive light, but rather as an example of passivity. The people who govern you are not fulfilling their oaths and it shows.

1.- On family, the tendency is marked by The Emperor and yields the Seven of Golds (or Pentacles), which is translated as an authority that sets others into fruitful motion. That this set speaks of actual wealth gained through hard toil and investments that pay out in the long run, so it can be read differently: families come together in search of long-term prosperity, perhaps pooling resources or maybe downsizing; or maybe they will need to readjust their economies to serve the interest of their elders. Given the reigning theme I believe this last thing to be what will happen, so by all means keep an eye on your parents and prepare some cash in advance for possible medical treatments. After all, COVID-19 is nowhere near over yet.

2.- On friends Death results in the Page of Golds, a strange combination as it implies a stressful transformation that leads to financial awareness and opportunity. Though it sounds positive, almost as if meaning that finding new friends would help you land a better job or obtain profit, this cannot be read in any other fashion but in the negative. This means that friends will put you through hardship that results in “new economic horizons” (otherwise known as unemployment). Be careful in who you confide because mob mentality will be all too gleeful to see you jobless.

3.- On Wealth, tied with the previous point, The Magician invokes the Queen of Spades. The former is the card that represents all of your personal initiatives and the moment in your life where you set your course, but the latter is a PSI (a person, situation or institution) that represents clear boundaries and final decisions, so this is a moment where optimism meets reality. In consonance with the prior 2020 overview I posted, you should not be starting new enterprises or investments on a whim, it is just not the time for that.

4.- On love, again tied in with money, The Strength results in the Eight of Golds. Personal conviction will be needed to work towards your relationships and ensure their stability, which the cards suggest it is rooted in money. Judging by the theme of this year (ruin), I believe this card draw means that many fortunes will be made as result of divorce. On the other hand it also means that it to find that special person this month can only result in a lot of wasted effort, and cash too. Be careful of making loans and donations on an emotional whim or you will regret it.

5.- The lesson this month is exemplified by The Chariot and the Four of Wands. These two cards would otherwise be a symbol of astounding victory, as the first represents exactly that, a display of force and decisiveness that cowes opposition with awe. Joined with the second which represents a conflict brought to a stable point, can mean that no matter how dark things may seem all will be good in the end. Tied with this month's theme of ruin and instability it also indicates that you should let the turmoil run its course without interfering, become a passive observer and allow whatever bad is happening to continue. It also means that obscene violence will win the day in favor of harmony, so you do not wish to be on the streets right now.

I am not saying that you should allow bad things to happen to you, I am saying that you will be exposed to bad news and to aptly ignore them because of future deliverance. Secure your assets, plan ahead as you would, and make no displays of force to no one, just sit this one out because all what is happening right now is part of the plan.

In other words, the clowns are juggling chainsaws right now and the last thing anyone needs is crowd participation. Sit back, enjoy the show and make sure to be wearing a raincoat when the predictable happens. It will be a Hell of a story for your grandkids!


→ Short answer:
There is no short answer. This goes week by week so read the appropriate entry.

→ Long answer: July is the month ruled by the star signs of Cancer and Leo and this is felt in our lives by a period of uncertainty that ends in a clear victor. You can see it now with the frequent back and forth and power plays at hand.

It will go a little something like this:

1.- First week of July: The cards are The inverted Two of Wands, reversed Ten of Wands and inverted Seven of Cups. Nothing good at all and it translates as a situation of impass between authority and its contrary that is followed by shouldering burdens, or taking responsibility, and ends in nothing but nostalgia and wishful thinking.

You can expect a violent bid for power that will demoralize you. You will see authority become contested and all will seem lost, especially if you are forced into a confrontation.

2.- Second week of July: Powers that be set the boundaries (Queen of Swords) with a firm hand, that beats back many who feel unjustly treated (reversed Nine of Wands) who will become apathetic
and disillusioned (Four of Cups). All this just means that since you know where you are heading (by reading this blog! :) ) you need to weather the strorm by not exposing yourself without need.

3.- Third week of July: Great economic readjustment (King of Golds) that results in renewed hope and joy (Ace of Cups) but still haunts the recepients with the consequences of poor planning (inverted Three of Wands). This means that many will feel it is the time to start anew until they cash their first reality check.

4.- Fourth week of July:
A lot of grassroots movements that gained relevance (inverted Page of Wands) will see themselves betrayed by their closest allies (Three of Swords). This will end in the Ace of Golds, signifying the actual begining of newfound prosperity.


→ Short answer: Again and again the same recurring theme of stay home and get better (physical fitness, update your skills, learn a language, etc...) because no matter how bad it gets in the streets? It is not the time to do nothing about it. Secure your assets and hold to every penny because next month is either the best moment for business or a shaky situation, best if you have some financial flexibility.

→ Long answer: We are where we are due to a gross mismanagement of force and a strong, almost conspiratorial dishonesty if not panic. The Sun card represents that in reverse, not so much deceit as lack of foresight, almost as if saying we are all being too stupid on purpose to our detriment. What matters is that what you will see in July is not the end but will be the seeding event for a future outcome. You will see a lot of discontent and will be tempted more than ever to take it to the streets, but you should not, because thanks to all the pent up stress you may suffer of the consequences of short-sightedness.

In other words
you must not lose your head thinking that making a stance will make a difference, we are in for the long run and a long time, and whatever happens this July will rear its head later on, particularly in November (month co-ruled by Scorpio who rules over Death – take that as you may). But before we get there you will need to set your finance straight beacuse the end of July brings an omen that can be interpreted ambigously: financial opportunity or financial flow. In this current weather of economic downturn it would be dishonest to cheer anyone into thinking all will be fine, so I suspect the only one who will actually benefit is our respective governments through overdue taxes.

Anyways the cards come up like this, in case you cannot read it clearly on the picture:

1.- The nature of this reading comes as Judgement reversed. It is often confused with the Justice card in that they both deal with sentencing and what is fair, the difference lies in how it affects the reader. The Judgement card is the moment where you receive the consequences of your actions whereas the Justice card is for when you are put under scrutiny. In this case, refers that it is a time of gross injustice and the rule of mobs.

2.- The crossing card is The Sun in reverse. This card otherwise representing clarity and the revelation of secrets is inverted, meaning that there is a dishonest driving force that ensures that the previous point keeps happening.

3.- The crown card is for what is obvious, this being The Lovers reversed. Mistrust and a failure in communication is what keeps the whole situation from being resolved, at least in appearance.

4.- The root card is the real underlying issue, this being an inverted Temperance. Passivity but also an attempt to regain strength is growing behind the scenes. We are under duress because the powers that be are waiting for the best moment to act, for good or bad. Premature actors are in wait.

5.- The past is represented by The Wheel in reverse. Tables turned, truncated fortune, a reversal of roles and powers is what brought us hear. A symbol of societal upheaval.

6.- The future comes as The World in reverse. Stagnation and self-limitation until a major issue is resolved. Whatever comes ahead it is not a simple issue and will not go away any time soon.

7.- Our emotions are represented by The Emperor. There is much frustration growing because of lack of assertion. We are all wishing for this not to blow over but to crack down on the causes.

8.- Our enviroment is that of the Six of Cups, which is a longing for a calmer past. Nostalgia.

9.- Our hopes and fears lie in Death. Not as a final destination but rather a symbol of balance through transformative hardship. We want this to end but at the cost of whoever or whatever caused it.

10, 11 and 12.- Our best course of action is to remain patiently assured in future victories (Four of Wands) and wary of betrayal in our midst (Three of Swords) and to literally keep our eyes on money (Ace of Pentacles). This is because when the situation passes prosperity will follow, but can either mean that our focus will be back to finance, be that because economy becomes worse or that new opportunities arise.
