Simply put, back in late February I asked the cards for their insight on three questions on the pandemic and what to expect for the remaining of 2020. My findings were shared among friends and family in a far less formal language, but the post is long gone and lost, and what you see is a depurated version built from scratch and saved notes. All of my predictions are composed of a short answer and a longer one that goes into detail with the position of the cards and their meaning, and while it is meant more for those knowledgeable or curious about the Tarot, feel free to move over to the next question if it is not in your interest

This first volume was composed prior to the pandemic's arrival to American shores, so while some things may seem obvious by now I by no means attempt to assert my skill by claiming a successful reading retroactively. I gain nothing from this other than the peace of mind that comes with warning friends and family, and the satisfaction in knowing that someone who cares might have linked you this content.

Now onto the ramblings ahead! Every single question was consulted thrice with increasingly complex card draws (three, six and twelve cards respectively) so to deepen their answer. The questions were the following:

1) Is the COVID-19 really cause for our concern?
2) Could this be the next Black Swan?

3) What is our best option?

Each question will be posted further down separately so to better manage any commets that may arise, so before we go there I suggest you read what information was gleaned for the current year:

→ The short answer is
that this is the year of the backstabber, blunders and the systematic dismantling of institutions due to gross mismanagement under public scrutiny. Every aspect is in decline this year, the lesson being that you must not seek to remedy anything beyond your personal boundaries. No activism but egoism, if you truly wish to change the society you live in it must begin from making yourself an exceptional individual, otherwise you cannot be a pillar of the community if you cannot carry your own weight.

In other words, you may pay a steep price when voicing your concerns.

Now, we go into per-card detail. This is a draw of ten cards ordered in such fashion that covers five areas of life (each defined by two cards) that follow a general theme from the year's start down right to its finish, and the results are as such:

1.- This year's theme is that of The Chariot inverted, which symbolizes to all things related to a vain demonstration of strength that actually exposes weaknesses. Key words to this theme are hollow victories, tyranny, vulgar displays of power and ineffectual effort. It also means being goaded into hasty decisions that bring you shame or get you in trouble.

2.- On family, this year is ruled by The Tower inverted and The Two of Swords, which translates to upheaval on a personal level due to an impass where you are forced to decide between two choices. You may experience polarization in your home and a see the rise of a“us versus them” mentality. Your best choice is to read the room and go with the majority for the sake of peace, because should you find yourself in the minority, this will only be used as a pretext to punish you for past grievances unrelated to the dividing issue.

3.- On friends, this year is ruled by The Devil in reverse and The Ten of Swords. The first card speaks of all the things that bind us, namely vices and addictions, and usually appears to warn us that we are letting them control us or that a trap laid by others awaits ahead. When it is inverted speaks of actually giving into them and not in some endearing manner, but rather the dangers of abandoning inhibition. Combined with the Ten of Swords, card that represents utmost defeat and betrayal, gives the worst of all warnings: if your “friends” are in position to hurt you they will.

4.- On wealth, this year is ruled by The Wheel in reverse and The Ace of Swords, explained as an overabundance of bad initiatives. The ruling card normally represents facing the consequences of your past actions, and in its inverted aspect means a slew of bad results, which combined with the second card it can take two meanings. The Ace of Swords symbolizes personal initiative and acuity, a wellspring of good ideas or being in a position where you are the reigning force, so these two cards can be read as either a bad period for business due to wrongful choices, or a period marked by the contrast of those previously unprepared and pioneering newcomers. In other words, you will see a lot of people losing it all and a lot of people finding a market niche, but one wrong choice and you too will go bankrupt.

5.- On love, this year is ruled by The Hermit inverted and The Nine of Swords, understood as a period reigned by isolated depression. It is not the lonesome introspection nor a moment in life where you sit back to revaluate your choices, but rather an imposed withdrawal. Not the best moment to seek companionship but neither your choice.

6.- This year's lesson, ruled by The Strength and The Knight of Wands. Both cards symbolize raw power albeit in different forms. The first card represents the courage to make the differene while the second symbolizes the intensity of your action, meaning that you will see many people chosing a side and putting all of their strength behind the effort. While this would otherwise mean that you too, dear reader, should double down on what your beliefs may be? You must not forget the theme of this year: hollow victories. This means that while it is time to put your foot down you may be actually being baited into doing it over a bear trap, because this whole year is nothing but a power struggle where only the most savage will succeed, only to lose all support soon after. The lesson is to cultivate personal power only and abandoning any idealistic notions of change beyond yourself, for now, lest you lose face in more than figurative ways.

Your time to take a gamble will come later if by then you actually can cover the cost. Become unruly so to rule. Be indomintable.

This year's overview
