CURRENT MOOD

Alright lads and lasses! Yellowstone it is!

👉 Short answer: Nothing to worry about. No, really. Your worst enemy is yourself if you give in to your (more than justified) paranoia and as far as we know? Not our biggest concern at the moment. This is why I insist you take my ramblings as nothing more as (hopefully) entertainment. Check this article for a more scientific opinion instead!

👉 Long answer: The draw of three is, something that I am sure you have already learnt by reading this blog, a description of a situation's evolution, a past-present-future of sorts. It begins with the King of Swords in reverse, we are at a current situation described by the Two of Swords and it ends in the Knight of Wands, a curious descriptor seeing how it is a card belonging to the suit of the element of fire!

This is interpreted as follows: We went from a situation of apparent dormancy and lack of clarity into a current impasse, either it happens or either it does not. It worries me that it ends in the Knight of Wands which is the beginning of "adventures" but also struggles. It is a card that signifies enthusiasm and rushing but it is tied with conflict and opposition, read also as a situation of alarm. Still though this measly effort is not enough to determine whether we are at the threshold of a catastrophe, as the Knight of Wands can also be understood as a situation in the works, therefore incomplete. Whatever is happening in Yellowstone might be part of the natural processes of such a geological wonder. This is why I stress that you should take these predictions as a form of entertainment rather than anything else.

The tl;dr is no big bad boom, just scary hot baths.

The draw of six says something similar. You can rest assured that the authorities are doing their proper job and that all you need to do is ignore whatever bad news pop up. The cards insist that your best bet is to care less about Yellowstone and more about yourself.

1.- The nature of this question is that of The Four of Swords: Tense calm before the storm, a moment of truce and the hopes that it will last, we ponder what factors are against and in favor of keeping things the way they were.

2.- The circumstances leading to this question, The Queen of Golds: A symbol of buddying prosperity and care, in a way of bountiful Mother Nature. In a way, our expectancy that this national park remains a sleeping giant.

3.- The external influences are that of The Ten of Golds: The security of wealth and family. A lot of effort is being put into ensuring that whatever happens in Yellowstone does not affect our stability. Perhaps a sign that it is being monitored closely, and worked upon.

4.- One ending reigned by an inverted Queen of Swords: Premature opinions. In other words false rumours and hype, nothing new under the Sun, media making sure to rake in profits with fabricated outrage.

5.- Another ending reigned by an inverted Nine of Wands: Otherwise meaning all those lessons from momentary defeat, in its reversed form signifies preemptive measures in excess. Paranoia, justified or not.

6.- The pivot themed by The Four of Cups: The symbol of dissatisfaction but also emotional detachment. The only reason why you will not take heed is if you let go of your worries and calmly asess the situation.

The draw of twelve reiterates the previous draw in that there is too much fear over what really amounts to nothing. The worst danger here is overreaction, such like pouring your savings into survival gear and fleeing the country (planet?) over some bubbly well making loud noises. You are not to blame for your worries, this year is after all proving to be quite the ride so it is only natural to expect that a quarter of the world would go up in flames any second now. 

But it will not. 

Rest assured but not too much, we still have five more months to survive.

1.- Ace of Cups: A literal well of emotions, this is the nature of this reading, our collective worries reaching a peak.

2.- Three of Wands: This is the crossing card. Literally meaning progress in all things Fire, as in struggles and conflict. We wish for a warning in time.

3.- King of Golds: This is the crown card, the obvious causes. This card is the symbol for established and final wealth, of patrimony and ownership. The reasons of our worries is regarding our stability, the fear of ruin. Or of actual correct management. 

4.- Strength, inverted: This is the root card, all those hidden causes to your situation. Our will and determination is sapped by many other current events, were Yellowstone prove to be a problem it would feel as the last nail on our collective coffin. 

5.- Ace of Wands: This is the past. A card representing the begining of struggle or the imposition of authority. We come from a time where Yellowstone was perceived as a minor issue.

6.- The Hermit: This is the future. A moment for isolation and self-reflection, but also in a way of impoverishment and misery but not necessarily on the economic aspect, but also emotional. We are heading towards being trapped by overthinking.

7.- The Empress: This card is your emotions. Too many fronts opened too fast to handle.

8.- The Magician, inverted: This card is your enviroment. Otherwise refering to all things based on individuality and personal initiative, in the reverse just means it was never in your hands to do anything about it. This is the pervasive feeling of dread around us.

9.- Six of Golds, inverted: This card is the hopes and dreams. Usually meaning a moment of receiving support and wealth from an external source, when in reverse it speaks of wealth that falls through your pocket. Unsurprisingly, people do not like being ruined.

The next three cards are both the solution and how the future will play out.

10.- The Chariot, inverted: Ineffectual strength and shameful displays. Do not lose face over this matter nor worry yourself into a breakdown.

11.- The Devil, inverted: A challenge to authority or the questioning of personal beliefs. It is a moment where you should inquire whether or not your fears are unbiased, and please avoid clashing with government over nothing.

12.- The High Priestess: An unending mystery, a walk into the unknown. Simply put Yellowstone will continue to baffle and amaze us over the off chance that everything will go to shit, so no need to worry. 

That is all for now!
