Yet again time
constraints, you know the drill. This month I come to clear two
main questions, the first one is the usual monthly overcast and the
second (to be posted soon) is to answer who will win the upcoming elections in the United
States of America. For the sake of simplicity I will only focus on
whether the current President Donald John Trump is re-elected or not.
→ Short answer:
Keep your rifle by your side and your attorney's number too. Witch
hunt is on.
Long answer: Standstill
followed by the reassuring lie that everything will be fine. Your
enemies, many of which you are not even aware you ever made them, are
in the wait. In a less dramatic tone: whatever bad happens to you is
because of someone who's taking the chance to cancel you now. Please
secure your home, stay off social media and prepare to sue for
unlawful terminations. Would be great if you bought a home CCTV or
make do with whatever recording device you already have.
reigning theme is
The Hanged Man.
Indecision and stagnation. It is the time to sit back and watch how
things unfold, usually to your favor. Whatever happens this month it
is important you let go and avoid getting into confrontations. You do
you and let the pieces fall in their place.
On the family, The Fool and the Ten of Wands. Walking into unknown territory burdened by responsibility. It means that although things look good now you may expect bad turns based on unaddressed authority. Make sure everybody knows who is the leading head in your family.
On the social, The Emperor and the Knight of Golds. Government and prosperity are on everyone's minds but that is a no-brainer. It merely indicates the worries on society's thoughts but not the outcome.
On the professional aspect, The Chariot and the inverted Knight of Wands. Corruption in the workplace, big displays of power and decision-making done by ineffectual superiors. If you are your own boss then it means you must take great care in whatever changes you decide.
On love, The Tower inverted and the Two of Swords inverted. Catastrophic break-ups caused by being unable to choose between two outcomes. It means that many couples will become bitter enemies over this or that choice. To my American friends it is fairly obvious, like it or not, politics will decide whether you stay with that special someone or not.
On lessons, The Wheel inverted and the King of Swords. Chopping block. It is all what comes to mind. A bad hand delivered with cruelty. Whatever happens this month is artificial and intended, not mere bad luck, so make sure your insurance is paid and your home secured. Literal witch hunt galore.
→ Short answer: You
will get the right idea but do not enter partnerships this month.
→ Long answer:
Thinking that you suddenly got this may get you nowhere. The worst
that can happen is that you find a good solution to your problems but
fail to see it through by letting losers tag along. Might experience
loss that makes you rethink your future, and you should let that
emotion wash through you as it will set you on the right path. Still,
whatever good idea you come up with keep
it to yourself
and try to micromanage every aspect without help.
It will go
a little something like this:
First week:
Nine of Wands inverted, Eight of Golds inverted, Page of Golds
inverted. Overwhelmend by struggles and seeing how your investments
fall short. Be careful of feeling that you are underperforming, it is
not your fault.
Second week: Four
of Wands, Six of Cups, Two of Wands. Joy, nostalgia, renewed purpose.
Though the first week starts bad you will find a special something
that makes you put your foot down and replan your future. You will
find hope and the solution too!
Third week:
Ace of Swords, Knight of Cups, Nine of Swords. Careful now taking
actual decisions. Your prior week was a good start but you can expect
that maybe not all of those ideas are any good. This week starts with
ambition that falls short based on prior disappointments, but mostly,
letting too many people aboard. Do not try to make joint ventures
with anyone but yourself.
Fourth week: Ace
of Wands, Five of Golds, King of Cups. A decision made that ends in
ruin and learnt lessons. Do not correct people, do not think you are
fully in the right or it will end badly and you will need to settle
for compromise. Keep your mouth shut so it does not force you into
→ Short answer: Do
not apologize for your beliefs and show courage if confronted.
→ Long answer:
Fanatics and morons abound, what else is new, things will develop in
your favor so you will not have to show face and make any statements
but should you
have to stand your ground do
not expect to get out of bind talking. This does not mean you should
take it to the streets, this means to bank in showing you are not
easily cowed.
Cards came out like this:
1.- The nature of this
reading: The High Priestess
inverted, A time to
distance yourself and wait.
2.- The crossing card:
Four of Wands inverted. Broken harmony, you or me, Mexican
standoff. A situation where whoever wins reprisal follows
3.- The crown card: Six of Cups inverted.
The symbol of nostalgia but taken to the foolish. Eveyrbody is
pinning for good times that cannot come back how things are right
now. Too much dishonest hope in the sense that you cannot reach
certain individuals no matter the evidence.
4.- The root
card is the real underlying issue, Two of Wands inverted.
Speaks of the lack of actual planning. Our future is now unclear
because of a single decision that influences everything. Instead of
planning should things not go their way, some people will choose to
have no future at all.
5.- The past is represented by
The High Priest inverted. The loss of touch with tradition has
brought us where we are. Rampant degeneracy that was not nipped in
the bud on time.
6.- The future comes as The Justice
inverted. Taking matters into your own hand, literally. You will
see rise in vigiliantism and terrorism.
7.- Our emotions
are represented by The Star. A wish for a miraculous fix
is in the hearts of all.
8.- Our enviroment is that of
the The Moon inverted. Whereas it would normally mean
delusion, in its inverted aspect it is a time for nightmares made
real. Be very careful.
9.- Our hopes and fears lie in
the Ten of Golds inverted. Abuse and financial loss.
11 and 12.- The solution lies with the
Seven of Wands, the Three of Cups inverted and Five of Wands
In a line it means you will have to take action despite feeling
isolated to, at best, reach a tense ceasefire. In other words, it is
time to show your teeth because that will cower an opposition all
too used to abusing soft targets.
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