How do I summon succubus? - Answers.


Some of you have asked me all about summoning succubi 😣. Nice meme,  I will give you my opinion on it but I will berate you first too. Some key points:

- Succubi are closer to surgeons of the soul and not a high-speed prostitution service. The most you will get of what you seek is realistic sexual dreams while the people around you suffer the being's dangerous and unwarranted jealousy. Just because you think they are "sex demons" does not mean they are keen on having an open relationship and they play to keep.

- Chances are that the reports on spirit relationships circulating around the web are tulpas, egregores or even the dead playing the part of the bodiless companion. That is the reason why most users take a hit to their health, because the aforementioned are ephemeral creatures that require to feed off vitality to anchor themselves on this side of existence.

- The service of succubi is a mark of recognition by their patron Lilith (among others such as Naamah and Eisheth Zenunim), who has a strong dislike for heterosexual men in general and will only bestow one of her kind once you have proven yourself. That means being capable of astral travel to passed Her tests, which vary according to the individual.

- Their service is to rebalance your subtle bodies and chakras, and it is not something you can undergo without being strong and prepared enough. Lilith recommends you do it while you are young and have no underlying heart issues. All of this has very little to do with actual sex and the sensations you feel is your root chakra (Muladhara) being worked on.

- The only reason that sexual dreams happen is due to that stimulation. While you can have a detailed and rich dream where sexual intercourse happens, you will be basically ignoring your lover every other moment due to having senses not fully developed. No partner deserves that.

- Though there are succubi and incubi (female and male respectively) their sex is malleable and untrue. It is adapted as needed according to the situation, like the pseudopods of amoebae.

- If you are having bad time with getting lucky in real life this will not be any easier.

- And most important of all love and sex are often the refuge for other unattended issues. Running to someone's arms, be it in the flesh or not, will only make it worse in the long run.

So to put it bluntly, nay. Yer not getting your succubus girlfriend. What where you thinking? 😨

What you want is either to release sexual tension or find a special someone that will make life worth living, and while delegating your happiness in someone else's hands is a mistaken prospect, here goes the closest best thing that I know: You are going to petition Sitri, the twelfth spirit of the Ars Goetia. As expected, more keypoints:

- Demon is another word for "spirit". The term does not imply evil nature. Look it up.

- The only reason Sitri helps, as with many of the Goetic spirits, is because He is passionate about love and its intricacies. Working through him is advancing the art of seduction and all the things that He wishes to see furthered.

- No you will not go to Hell because of this, chances are you are already there though.

- Results may vary and the more you do the more you will get. Expect to feel confident and run into interesting partner prospects, sexual if you rush it, emotional and fulfilling if you take your time.

And here is how you do it:

1.- Set aside some time before sleep to do this rite each night for at least three days. Best if nine. Procure the demonic enn (Lirach alora vefa Sitri) and seal of Sitri. Print it but better if you draw it yourself.

2.- Put your hand over the seal and whisper Sitri's demonic enn (Lirach alora vefa Sitri) nine times in a row. Slowly.

3.- Then gaze into the seal calmly for a few minutes. You will see it either flash in and out of view, move on its own or appear to become three dimensional. These is no mere eye fatigue but acknowledgement from the spirit's attention.

3.- When that happens pour your heart out to Sitri. Tell Him of your woes and what you would like in a partner, and that you trust Him to deliver. Be very specific whether you want a fling or a long term relationship.

4.- To close the ritual, place your hand over the seal and whisper the demonic enn nine more times.

5.- Store the seal safely away where no one may disturb it. Feel free to carry it with you though.

What you have just done is one of many methods to do something called "opening a seal".

You might experience difficulty at first, especially if you are seeking for a partner while you are not ready for it. Remember that misery loves company and that helping each other to heal is not romance, all that can come around to hurt you in the long run. If you happen to meet that special someone then please honor Sitri and His assistance by being respectful and loyal to your partner. Infidelity and dishonesty will result in the usual problems, exacerbated by inciting a demon's anger in this case.

To compensate Sitri you should pour a glass of rich red wine on earthy ground while saying his enn.

Here are some interesting links on sexual relationships with spirits. I do not share their opinion but they must be addressed for the sake of completion. I would rather if you stick to flesh and blood partners because, while divorce is nothing fun, it is the "only" bad thing to consider.
