Two separated lovers and their solutions.
I.- Overview: Three cards representing past, present and future.
--> Short answer: The hope and security you inspired in your wife is gone, avoid courts at all costs now that there is still time to act.
Past: Nine of Swords. Suffering through lack of confidence.
Present: Eight of Swords inverted. Being deceived but not for long.
Future: King of Swords inverted. Petty revenge, from judge or authorities more likely. Beware this does not go to court.
II.- Outcome: Twelve cards to describe what you will do most likely.
--> Short answer: Someone is tarnishing your reputation. Do not give into pressure, be polite, bring results to win back your love. You need to look like you will be a responsible father.
1.- Signifficator, the reason to this reading: King of Swords, inverted. Suffering injustice and feelings of revenge. You have been wronged but this can go worse if you do not act kindly. Do not try to leverage by telling what she did wrong, that will only work against you.
2.- Cause: Knight of Golds. Chance for important money came and went unworked. It created loss of trust. The pandemic was bad for everybody but it seems you might have squandered your good streak and appeared irresponsible.
3.- Crown, the visible reasons: Five of Golds. Destitution and unemployment, a trial of hardship.
4.- Root, the unseen reasons: Ace of Swords. Badmouthing behind your back. Someone convinced her against you. Not a lover, more likely a concerned friend or parent that never liked you.
5.- Past: Knight of Cups. Puppy love and fast loving. Good while it lasted but too fast. Immature lovers.
6.- Future: Five of Cups inverted. Break up and disillusion over lost love.
7.- Emotions: Temperance inverted. The need to reach out and talk, to make amends but gone wrong due to anxiety.
8.- Enviroment: Ten of Wands. Everybody is telling you to suck it up and take responsibility, but not how to.
9.- Hopes and fears: Death. You wish this is salvageable and just a bump in the road.
10, 11 and 12.- Outcome: The World inverted, Ten of Golds inverted, Queen of Golds inverted. A lack of vision or fear to move away from your comfort zone can cost you the chance to make this right, which would result in crunching you financially. You will more than likely have to move away from where you live now to find gainful employment.
There is a good chance that the opportunity lies where she went.
All is tied to prosperity. You need to give a good think on how you will be able to support your family
III.- Solutions: Six cards, two mutually-exclusive outcomes, depending on one solution.
--> Short answer: No other choice but to give each other time and space. Use the mean time to get your shit together, times under Biden are harsh and there is no other option but to get serious.
1) Signifficator card, or the situation you are in: Queen of Wands inverted. Punished by a female figure who decides that she is better alone.
2) Circumstances card, how you got here: Two of Cups inverted. Breach of trust.
3) External influences, what keeps you down: The Hanged Man, inverted. You keep stalling and squandering your good chances. You seemed indolent, careless and immature. The game has changed, you are a man now and you are in dangerous times financially speaking.
4) One ending: Nine of Cups inverted. You two conquer petty materialistic fears and stand togheter. This means that though money is short, standing united is far more important. Two brains think more than just one, money will come when it does but your team is priceless.
5) Other ending: Four of Swords. A temporary separation to recover. Not final but long, unnecessary long.
6) The pivot, of what depends any of the endings: Six of Swords inverted. Though I said you should move and to find work opportunities far, it is your best bet for you both to stay now where you are. Time needs to pass, not only for you two to recover, but for the environment to change in your favor. Whatever you do, none of you two should travel for the time being, or you could meet with natural disasters.
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