Alright lads and lasses, there will be a market crash but beware buying the dip, it will keep going down apparently. Do not argue with idiots online as the laws will get stricter and you are much better checking employment adverts or education chances in your area and around.

If you do that the month will be better. Staying depressed about how bad the world is will make it worse even if it really is not.


Short answer: Very contradictory month, a designed ruin.

Long answer:
We are in a moment of exceptionally good luck in financial matters but at a very high risk of being conned by family/lovers. The most important lesson here is to know what you are doing when it comes to investments and not give into FOMO scares, especially if someone close to you is in the hots with crazy get-rich quick schemes.

Now onto what the cards say, bit by bit.

The reigning theme is The Star, a symbol of fortune but also of high expectations. It can mean good times but it also mean you will get half of what you hope to get.

1.- On family, The Hanged Man and Three of Golds inverted. Stagnation that must be waited out, linked to finances, and their betterment. It means that, were families in better terms, much gain would be had.

2.- On friends, The Wheel inverted and the Page of Wands. A turn for the worse based on a new flame coming between friends. Someone new in your friends' lives might cause interference, it is best you hold your tongue and let it play out.

3.- On wealth, Justice and Four of Wands. Receiving what you deserve and this being none other than success. Bit by bit our finances will start anew well, but this may depend more on government intervention than anything else. Be on the lookout for grants, tax exemptions and returns, and even if there are none there is a chance that some agency or institution might offer solutions.

This happens to retirees on my side of the planet, where they sign off their real estate in exchange of a hefty. lifelong monthly sum. It is just a mere example but it has become the get go for childless old timers, there must be something for everyone, just make sure to read the fine print first!

4.- On love, The World and Page of Cups inverted. Much effort wasted pursuing a dishonest or immature flame. Beware of being pressured for money under romance. Many people will regretfully enter into matrimony or similarly binding partnerships this month, make sure not to follow with your heart.

5.- The lesson, The Tower and Two of Wands inverted. Ruin and backfiring ambitions. Thankfully enough this is a warning and not something that will happen. You must carefully reconsider your steps in important matters this month as the worst it can happen can only do so by your own hand.


→ Short answer:
Market crash and restrictions. Beware of false friends.

Long answer: Government regulations will unexpectedly tighten and it will be reflected upon finance, that much is logical so please revise your exit strategies if you are into trading and investments. Your worse enemy is among your friends and/or partner, so keep an eye out for damaging divorces or supporting an ungrateful lover.

1.- First week: Ace of Swords, King of Swords, Five of Cups. Personal initiatives, deterred by sudden changes in legislation, ends in general disappointments.

2.- Second week:
King of Golds inverted, Queen of Golds in reverse, Ten of Golds inverted. Economic hardships that progressively lessen towards the end of the week, quite probably a market crash. For my invester pals, please revise your exit strategies, just in case.

3.- Third week:
Three of Golds inverted, Page of Wands, Four of Wands. Financial mistake caused by a significant other that ends well. Either your partner will come up with a great solution that ends well or your current quarrel with your partner will be resolved properly.

4.- Fourth week: Page of Cups, Two of Wands inverted, King of Cups inverted. False friends bring about a difficult situation by exploiting your trust. Revelation of secrets, a traitor made public but at a loss.


Short answer: Use your own money if you think about investing.

Long answer: Brainlet supremacy in our governments will shine as never before and will affect the markets. Beware of buying dips too early as they will likely keep dropping in value. If you fuck up she will bury you alive and then take the kids.

→ Leave your grandma out of crypto pumps and, by the love of God, there are free courses at even on this, give them a gander before you become a can-picking expert!

1.- The nature of this reading is that of the Five of Wands. Conflicts and competition. The rat race or the final showdown between quarreling partners. It ends now.

2.- The crossing card is the Seven of Wands. What brought the matter to this point, which is a partial victory brought by courage but not a definitive ones. In other words, boiling post-pandemic point is nearby.

3.- The crown card, Five of Cups. The visible reason, in this case a perpetual sense of disappointment and suffering.

4.- The root card, King of Swords. The real reason, in this case being tyrannic mismanagement brought by pressure. Fast but faulty measures by idiots.

5.- The past, Ace of Swords. We thought we could have seized the day.

6.- The future, Ten of Swords. Ruin but we are not done yet. Hard damage but we still come out on top. Easier said than done though.

7.- Our emotions, Page of Golds. The buddying wishes to recover our financial power. Lots of ideas on how to become rich or at least financially table, such as new jobs, projects, investments and such. Most of them are wishful thinking.

8.- Our environment, Queen of Cups. People wasting time in what will others think of them and the avoidance of truth in favor of what is politically correct.

9.- Our hopes and fears, Four of Cups inverted. Stagnation and missed chances.

10, 11 and 12.- The outcome is in the Ace of Golds, Three of Swords and Ace of Cups inverted. Many will put their money where they should not and that will risk breaking their families (especially if said investments were from their loans).

III.- SOLUTIONS: Six cards for two mutually-exclusive outcomes, the difference depending on a single change in attitude.

Short answer: Things are bad but the media will convince you it is worse. Time to reinvent ourselves.

Long answer: Use the internet to acquire new skills or, in truth, hear about chances of employment in your area or in the vicinity. It will be a hard month if you waste it arguing with morons on the net, and while you might be in the right, who really cares what they think aye?

1) Signifficator card, or the situation you are in: Nine of Swords. The burden of despair, great suffering but ultimately in your head.

2) Circumstances card, how you got here: Eight of Swords inverted. It is real bad out there but we are missing chances by being sure there is no other way out. No, really!

3) External influences, what keeps you down: Ten of Cups. Too much focus on what others are doing or celebrating. Avoid the testimony of rich or famous people.

4) One ending: Knight of Wands. Doing a 180º turn on your life and learning good habits.

5) Other ending: Eight of Wands. Sudden changes brought by good news, quick need for adaptation and perhaps travel.

6) The pivot, of what depends any of the endings: Three of Golds inverted. Ignorance and lack of skill. If you avoid this you will thrive.
