OCTOBER 2021.-


Short answer: Cut your losses short by avoiding conflict.

Long answer: A month to take account what you got, count your blessings and remain patiently waiting for a better chance. It will all seem lost or hopeless but not if you make inventory, and maybe see scarcity as a chance for improvement.
In other words, if it seems like you hit rock bottom then the only way to go is up. Easy to say but letting despair eat you alive is not a valid option either! Keep an eye out for cons, scams and thieves.

Now onto what the cards say!

The reigning theme is the High Priestess inverted. A symbol of malice and degeneration. It means a walk into the unknown guided by the wrong people, being ambushed or cheated on.

1.- On family, Judgement inverted and Seven of Golds. Conflicts surrounding finances or lack thereof. Many disputes on which direction should a family follow in their economy. Might be around a loan or tampering with savings that were set aside for important matters but end up being drained for frivolous pursuits.

2.- On friends, The World in reverse and Ace of Wands. The testing of bonds between parties. Some friends will feel jealous or inadequate on the rise of others, or will set to hold them back thinking it is for their own good, but will only be met with hostility. Your friends, or even yourself, are set to do some changes that are not welcomed at first. Please exercise caution, your good advice might come off as lecturing.

3.- On wealth, The Tower inverted and the King of Cups inverted. A personal catastrophe motivated by criminals. It either means being conned into giving your savings or having them taken by violence. It would be great if you learned how to hide your assets from home invaders.

4.- On love, The Wheel and the Page of Cups inverted. A chance for innocent romance, of meeting new people and finding them lovingly naive. Given the month's theme of dishonest pleasures you must keep an eye out for rebound sex or jealous ex-lovers looming about.

5.- The lesson, The Hanged Man and the Four of Wands. Success through patience. You are not fully in control and there is nothing to do but weather the storm, your gain is in cutting your losses short. Whatever conflict happens this month you must let it slide, in that while you take your usual precautions, you do not rush in guided by emotions. A conflict at work? No need to tell your boss what you think. A parking lot or bar room arguement? No need to steer the situation towards a felony, just walk away.


→ Short answer:
Indolence and deals that never complete.

Long answer: Looks like it is a month where people will leave their guard down confident in that their businesses and/or line of work is secure, but a bad deal or partner might threaten it. Please rethink or establish a stop loss countermeasure in case this or that promise or investment does not happen.

1.- First week: Four of Swords, Seven of Cups inverted and Three of Cups inverted. A moment of respite that follows wise choices but ends in sleeping on your laurels. Success and dangerous indolence.

2.- Second week: Nine of Wands, Three of Wands inverted and Knight of Swords. Yet another moment of peace that falls through because whatever support there was is retired from your. This leads to sudden and much needed, last-minute changes.

3.- Third week: Eight of Golds inverted, Knight of Cups and Five of Golds. Ambitions that come short of delivery because of dishonest dealings that lead into the risk of destitution. If there is a business proposal or you are about to sell property you must be wary of the other part, they might change their mind in the last moment.

4.- Fourth week: Knight of Golds inverted, Six of Golds and Two of Swords. High risk of having to be bailed out, be it family, the state or charity, and forced into choosing between either of two options. Might be time to let go of some assets to stay afloat.


Short answer: Bad blows to the pocket may tempt you into illicit solutions. Don't.

Long answer: The greatest temptation of this month is taking matters into your own hands. Nobody is questioning if you are in the right to do that, but you should reconsider your strategy especially if motivated by emotion. The trick to survive these trying times is patience and finding ways to distract the mind, of which our individual backlogs of shelved projects, unread books or conveniently forgotten home improvements are the best solution. I wish I was more helpful on this matter.

1.- The nature of this reading is that of The Chariot. We are here because of a sudden attempt to regain power or control, either over our lives or the political and administrative powers above us.

2.- The crossing card is The Emperor. Authority or the need for authority and order. We are seeking for a semblance of stability.

3.- The crown card, The Moon. The visible reason to our discontent, which is illusions falling through and dreams never coming true.

4.- The root card, Justice. Not so much “reaping what you sow” (that would be The Judgement card) but rather the consequences of a system undergoing restructuring. In other words, governments trying to regain control and patch up through taxation and foolish regulation.

5.- The past, Ace of Golds inverted. Financial failures still haunt us.

6.- The future, Three of Swords inverted. Lingering sorrow but not as strong as before. Departing from conflict.

7.- Our emotions, Ace of Cups. A well of emotions. Too much sensitivity to the point of being easily defeated by a mean word. Giving up too early while haboring high hopes at the same time.

8.- Our environment, Page of Swords. A fear for coming misfortunes.

9.- Our hopes and fears, The High Priestess. High hopes, wishful thinking, hoping there is yet a new leaf to turn. In a way we do not wish to know what will happen.

10, 11 and 12.- The outcome is in The Sun inverted, The Magus inverted and The Fool. In simple terms, being misguided through and through. Sudden losses might turn people into doing the wrong actions, namely criminality, which may turn a new leaf in their lives namely in the penal system. Whatever happens remember that crime does not pay, and read further on for some solutions!


Six cards for two mutually-exclusive outcomes, the difference depending on a single change in attitude.

Short answer: Comfort through conformity.

Long answer: Not the time for mad ideas or rushed decisions. Time to sit and wait it out. Take it in the spirit of a cabin log winter vacation, little to do but remain in place and let the mind wander. Patience is key, and while it is obscene to suggest anyone to still maintain composure after all we have been through, the cards are clear in that it is not in our hands to do much for now. Save your strength for later, fight for every ounce of sanity in the meanwhile.

1) Signifficator card, or the situation we are in: The Hermit inverted. Stagnation brought by pessimism, a feeling of being pursued by misery or the inability to move on. We are stuck because things should be different!

2) Circumstances card, how we got here: Queen of Swords inverted. Malice and underhanded dealings. We are were we are because of the faulty

3) External influences, what keeps you down: Queen of Wands inverted. Malpractice, inefficient authority doing things out of spite and incompetence.

4) One ending:
Two of Cups inverted. Breaking away, lack of unity, false friends.

5) Other ending:
Six of Wands. Victory and celebration.

6) The pivot, of what depends any of the endings:
Nine of Cups. This is a card of success, but the meaning is quite insulting. You see, if someone were to ask you how to avoid misfortune, is it not worse to tell them to “just” strive for success? This is not what the card means. In this context the card alludes to comfort through conformity. In other words, no spending, find pleasure in your old games, invest in yourself hitting the old books.

We are at a situation comparable to that of being stranded in an island, where the castaways can do very little other than kill time and await rescue. Things should get better but you still need to get there!
