A lot of you have reached out to ask where this sad matter of Ukraine's invasion will head to, so thanking my prophet Cloudplistter Sanyi in advance, the cards have spoken: chill. Nothing worse will happen, no nukes will be involved, it is all a matter of threats in order to settle for an agreement.

Simply put there is no pie to share if you blow up the kitchen.

All the parties involved have realized that they their economies are too caught up together to afford an escalation without ruining their respective positions of power for decades to come; I am pretty sure you could have reached this conclusion just by following the news though.

PLEASE REMEMBER, I have no personal preferences in this and I only speak on how these specific Tarot answers could be interpreted. I will not delve further on the subject because it will only help create unnecessary tensions and, as far as the cards go, this will all be memory-holed soon and forgotten, despite the high price paid in human lives, a sad reminder of not only our nature but of how we are still tied to the whims of tyrants and moneylenders despite the "current year".

I.- Overview: Three cards representing past, present and future.

 Short answer: This caught the common people by surprise, all will continue as usual but the groceries will get pricey. 

The Moon. Unforeseen dangers, delusions.

Present: The Star. Moment of good fortune. 

Future: The Hermit. Humility, isolation and hard work.

II.- Outcome: Twelve cards to describe what you will do most likely.

→ Short answer: No nukes. Only economic hardship for a while and moving on. 

1.- Significator, the reason to this reading: King of Swords inverted. Cruelty at its peak and dirty tactics. Not a symbol of a tyrant's rulership but rather the brutal methods used to stay in power, could refer to Putin himself.

2.- Cause: Three of Golds. The card of the Mason and of material gains through association. Plots around profits.

3.- Crown, the visible reasons: Two of Golds inverted. Deciding between choices, cutting your losses, but since it is inverted it means mismanagement. Blatant coping and trying to weather a situation by pretending to be in control.

4.- Root, the unseen reasons: Page of Swords inverted. The unpredictable nature of war. Traitors in our midst/rebellious troops.

5.- Past: Ten of Swords inverted. A time where people were recovering from wounds of the past, rising in power.

6.- Future: Nine of Swords inverted. A bad situation that slowly gets better. A "tomorrow will be another day".

7.- Emotions: The High Priestess inverted. Unable to trust anyone, perverted mysteries. You see a war but there are wheels within wheels, from simple tactical decisions in the battlefield to the politics and diplomacy in the public eye; but mostly the dirty business of warmongers and speculators.

8.- Environment: Queen of Golds. It would be dishonest to say that things are going well in the financial, but the card suggests "the beginning of a new economic project", of someone who starts a business with staged plans ahead. This does not have to be related (only) to the World Economic Forum and their fantasies of a Great Reset, but rather the overhaul that almost every country which was dependent on Russian gas and oil are undertaking.

9.- Hopes and fears: The Emperor inverted. The loss of authority or a position of power. On one hand, it is dishing this dishonor to your enemy, but avoiding it is on the other. So far these interpretations are so basic you do not need the Tarot to reach them.

10, 11 and 12.- Outcome: The Empress inverted, Knight of Cups inverted, Page of Cups inverted. Scarcity, then deceptions that end in the decadent complacency of old. In other words, no war, we are closer to shrugging and forgetting this ever happened and moving on.

III.- Solutions: Six cards, two mutually-exclusive outcomes, depending on one solution. 

 Short answer: No winners, only concessions. No all-out war as expected, just degrees of blackmails and settling for peace.

1) Significator card, or the situation you are in: Strength inverted. Abuse of power and mismanagement.

2) Circumstances card, how you got here: The Chariot. The card of a display of strength that seeks to impress. All parties expected a telling victory.

3) External influences, what keeps you down: The Lovers. Even though this card is a symbol of harmony and mostly matters of romance, it speaks of the unexpected support that Ukraine has received and how the conflict escalated into the global category from nearly the beginning.

4) One ending: The High Priest. Traditionalism and status quo. The powers that be remain as such. Probably speaks of Russia remaining in power.

5) Other ending: The Sun. Victory and happy unions. Could refer to how Ukraine wins in the end and obtains a greater international status through support.

6) The pivot, of what depends any of the endings: Queen of Swords. A dangerous card in this situation. It refers to widowers and justice through loss, a settlement of sorts where both parties agree to concessions in order to avoid a greater harm. Victory through blackmail, too.
